More about breast cancer and self-examination

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Did you know?

3 out of 10 women with breast cancer are under 40 years of age. The recovery rate when detecting cancer early is around 95%. The main risk factor is being a woman, 99% of breast cancer cases occur in women.

But I'm still young

Being under 40 you have a very dense breast. For this reason, you do not get mammograms as a self-care method. The only way you have to detect any anomaly is through periodic touch. If you feel a lump, do not be alarmed and consult a specialist, they are usually benign, in any case, you will appreciate having felt it.

When should I self-examine?

Once a month. The exact date varies according to each woman's cycle. It is recommended to do it when the hormones are the least hormonally disturbed, approximately day 7 in a 28-day cycle. However, if you are a woman who no longer menstruates, you can set the day that suits you and repeat it monthly.

How is the self-exam done?

Beyond a specific technique, you must palpate the area of ​​the breast, armpit and neck. Also palpate in different directions and pressure levels (Superficial, intermediate and deep pressure). The important thing is that you do it periodically once a month and palpating your entire breast.

Characteristics of an anomaly

A tumor can be any size or shape, it is usually rock hard and fixed, that is, it does not move when you run your fingers. If you imagine a lemon, a tumor would be like a stone. It should be noted that a tumor is not the only symptom of breast cancer, but it is the most common. NOTE: Most of the palpable lumps are benign, but in any case it is better to consult a specialist to rule out a tumor.

What to do in case of detecting an anomaly?

If you feel an abnormality that is not associated with a period of hormonal changes and that remains with the passing of days. You should consult a specialist (midwife, gynecologist or breast specialist). In this link you can understand well what to do in Chile.

Fundación Care

La Fundación tiene el compromiso de informar y dar esperanza, para que los pacientes y sus familias tengan la certeza y tranquilidad de que van por el camino correcto.

Ofrece dos servicios gratuitos para acompañar y asistir a personas que han recibido un diagnóstico de cáncer. Revísalos aquí.

Nos complace anunciar nuestra alianza con la Fundación Care. Juntos, fortaleceremos nuestros esfuerzos no solo en prevención y detección temprana, sino también en apoyar a quienes identifiquen cualquier anomalía.

Mark on your calendar

The most important thing about self-examination is that it be done month by month. For women who have annual mammograms, they should perform the self-exam with the same frequency.

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